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Judaism in Asia since the foundation of the state of Israel
Date: Tuesday, 29 May to Thursday, 31 May 2012
Venue: Department of Comparative Religion, Institute of Oriental and Asian Studies, Bonn
The Department of Comparative Religion of the Institute of Oriental and Asian Studies (Bonn University) and the “Arbeitskreis Religionen Asiens der Gegenwart” (AKRAG) of the German Association for the History of Religions hereby invite you to the International Conference “Between Mumbai and Manila”.
The conference topic defines Asia from India to East Asia as geographical framework for research subjects, which, in accordance with the objectives of AKRAG, leaves out the Near and Middle East (with its countries mainly characterized by Islam). The year 1948 – with the foundation of the state of Israel – can be taken as chronological starting point because this political event had lasting effects on the development of Judaism in Asian countries. Examples are on the one hand emigration movements to Israel (Aliyah), but also the re-structuring of Jewish communities and community life in the context of the emergence of independent states in Asia as a result of political changes after the Second World War. Other subject matters to be examined are revitalization movements in the individual countries which may depend on international influences, with the diplomatic relations between Israel and the particular Asian state having an impact on such international networks – just like the position of Jews in the individual countries in general.
The conference covers a research area that has not been given too much attention in Comparative Religion (and in Jewish Studies) until now, therefore the goal is to (partially) close a gap in the perception of Judaism within Comparative Religions. We invite you to register for submitting a paper (20-25 minutes, in English or German) or to preregister for participation only by 31 July 2011 at the latest (preferably by e-mail – see be-low), which is necessary to pursue the conference organization. Those who register will receive the second circular with further details at the end of October / beginning of November 2011. However, we can already announce that abstracts must be received by 31 December 2011 to facilitate conference organization. We are planning to publish the papers and results of the conference within one year, so that the manuscripts for publication must be submitted by the end of July 2012. The participation fee will be very small, however nei-ther the Department of Comparative Religion (Bonn) nor AKRAG have any financial means to refund travel and accommodation expenses or speaker’s fees.
Prof. Dr.Dr. Manfred Hutter
Abteilung für Religionswissenschaft
Institut für Orient- und Asienwissenschaften
Adenauerallee 4-6
53113 Bonn, Germany