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Thema: Third Annual Dissertation Workshop in World History

Titel: Third Annual Dissertation Workshop in World History

Malte Gaier
Registriert: 6.12.2007
Beiträge: 12
Ort: Kairo
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Third Annual Dissertation Workshop in World History, July 22-August 5, 2012.

Northeastern University and The World History Center at the University of Pittsburgh are happy to announce the third annual two-week summer workshop on the construction of dissertation projects in world history, to be held in 2012 at Northeastern University in Boston. The workshop will include common readings and discussion about how to formulate questions and researchable topics in world history, broadly conceived as any project that crosses the usual area studies rubrics. During the first week, experts in the fields of Digital Humanities and network analysis will provide short workshops about technologies and inter-disciplinary methodologies that might be of use in formulating world historical projects. Participants will also work up model research proposals and bibliographies for mutual discussion and in close consultation with the workshop mentors, Heather Streets-Salter(Northeastern University) and Peer Vries (University of Vienna).

The workshop will take place at Northeastern University in Boston.

For more Information see:

Contact in Vienna:
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Peer Vries
Vice Dean of the Faculty of Historical and Cultural Studies
Department of Social and Economic History
Room: ZG2O1.78
1010 Wien, Dr.-Karl-Lueger-Ring 1
T: +43-1-4277-413 10
F: +43-1-4277-9 413